WildEarth Guardians

Source: WildEarth Guardians

About reality

Thanx for signing my petitions, et al, please consider sharing them. Also, since Admin. of change.org aren't allowing me to invite people to do my actions lately and are switching my urls for my petitions so when I invite people off their site they can't get to the petition either (ergo 3 possible urls for each petition), here's a few of my latest actions; do as few or as many as you'd like (there are 3 linx for each petition because admin. switches between the 3 of them so people trying to sign the petition canβ€˜t get to it): This post on Disabled Greens News and discussion: Haiti disaster anniversary, please, do what you can: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DisabledGreensNews/message/9033 This petition on change.org: Haiti disaster anniversary: http://www.change.org/petitions/view/haiti_disaster_anniversary_2?share_id=yIpWHEHxri&pe=pce http://uspoverty.change.org/petitions/view/haiti_disaster_anniversary_2 http://www.change.org/petitions/view/haiti_disaster_anniversary_2 γ€€ This post on Disabled Greens News and discussion: Green, Indigenous, Native American, etc., actions: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DisabledGreensNews/message/9026 This petition on change.org: Green, Indigenous, Native American, acts: http://www.change.org/petitions/view/green_indigenous_native_american_acts?share_id=NHvTtQadfP&pe=pce http://uspoverty.change.org/petitions/view/green_indigenous,_native_american_acts http://www.change.org/petitions/view/green_indigenous,_native_american_acts γ€€ This post on Disabled Greens News and discussion: Art/Act: celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday, holiday: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DisabledGreensNews/message/9024 This petition on change.org: Art/Act: celebrate Dr. M.L. King, Jr.'s holiday: http://www.change.org/petitions/view/artact_celebrate_dr_ml_king_jrs_holiday?share_id=QjOkAUGeBQ&pe=pce http://uspoverty.change.org/petitions/view/art_act_celebrate_dr_ml_king_jr_s_holiday http://www.change.org/petitions/view/art_act_celebrate_dr_ml_king_jr_s_holiday γ€€ This post on Disabled Greens News and discussion: Green; NA; the evolution; Civil, Human, LP, Prisoner's Rights; Poverty; etc..: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DisabledGreensNews/message/9022 This petition on change.org: Economically empower through advocacy: http://www.change.org/petitions/view/economically_empower_through_advocacy?share_id=WZNqBQWcXE&pe=pce http://uspoverty.change.org/petitions/view/economically_empower_through_advocacy http://www.change.org/petitions/view/economically_empower_throug
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1 Response to WildEarth Guardians

  1. reality says:

    Hola. What the convolution dictates is of no consequence, the premeditated murder of 8 billion people through climate crisis, doesn’t have to take place. On this International Women’s Day, “…we(e),…”, while remembering that the intellect can’t lead for life doesn’t follow, if you’re not taking bullets you’re making them, are motion in relation, outstretching the arm that isn’t ours to the neediest, always; for our bodies will ever be on la machine’s gears. Twigs of advocacy poetree πŸ™‚

    Be You Earthlings Or You Not Be

    Gaia’s cries are like a silent siren,
    ‘earthlings you’re being robbed
    of the existence of your species’.
    Each time another mountain
    is raped by ‘top removal’
    all life bleeds. An Island
    the size of Manhattan,
    of plastic in the Pacific
    kills 100,000’s of marine life.

    This while self-possessed you,
    a universe’s dream before birth,
    La raison d’etre, held
    by one as it held one,
    one’s meaning of life,
    agreed, motion in relation,
    alive, to be what it is to be
    this day, and each after, be
    this generation, for all living.

    Every step within one,
    Gaia’s presence, even if unknown.
    Each step’s struggle
    within and out, on that
    mountainside, one’s leg pushed,
    she pulled, a breath pressing
    lungs to grow, she pulled
    them open, know.

    All struggling within reality
    to learn, grow, be, know,
    each on their path of heart,
    pushing further, she pulls,
    pulling she pushes, one’s
    reach only meant to teach
    they’ve not reached,
    breakthrough, to open

    mind to beginning anew.
    Sad, solemn, poor, may
    forget every moment’s awe
    felt through e’er struggling
    within reality, adapting
    to it, uplifting, evolving,
    not to man-made world,
    where all’s hurled just for more.

    For la machine’s tres facile,
    No matter how much you peel
    that onion you’ll never find
    the zeal with which you peeled,
    nor return of your ‘hind,
    the light to your eyes,
    him or her to your side,
    your soul’s gleam. Yet,
    you can walk in nature’s balance,
    giving back to her abundance.

    One can know they’re not alone,
    even after such loss,
    bed will never give up it’s river,
    nor, it’s river it, without
    the Sun Michaelangelo’s
    couldn’t cross the sky,
    held by and holding our eye,
    giving cover so it’s rays are

    appreciated more, held closer in our hearts.
    “…We(e),…” can adapt to reality,
    instead of the man-made world,
    and save humanity from extinction.
    She can only teach students,
    be you earthen, soulful, sky bound, spirit,
    holding her heart as she yours?
    Gaia asks, “hold me”, as she
    e’er held and will hold you.

    (II) Corp., Imperial Agent, Isn’t Who You Are

    Cacophony of your past acts
    betrays the symphony
    of your projected words,
    talking the talk isn’t walking the walk,
    nor that, being the be,
    even a useless tree must be tree,
    and in being this day what it is
    to be this day, the One’s way,
    being in relation, is revealed,
    “never complain…”,
    For another’s cross they bare
    can’t be known by you,

    And “…never explain” your emotions,
    they’re you evolving you.
    For, to exclude is to self-delude,
    evolve, we’re responsible for
    one another, and the One.
    Excluding one is excluding self
    from the One, ignoring, abandoning,
    anything is abandoning everything,
    oneself to ignorance,
    live by your soul’s lyric,
    leap, contend by your heart’s melody.

    (Deux) C’est La Unvie, No?

    A million monarchs lie dead,
    though, no less sociological
    programming of upper-middle
    to rich classes with decadence,
    affluence, inclusion, is.
    No less societal determination
    of middle to lower, being excluded
    by division, conquering, privation.

    Yet, they, on wing no more, still fly
    in our spirit’s eye, heal humanity’s heart.
    While their silent cry echoes
    the 52,000 species extinct each year,
    a rate not seen since the last ice-age
    ensued, does it move you?
    Does your curiosity ask why?

    Will you, on this 52 nd Earth Day,
    allow a tear for all life’s fallen?
    Consider losses economic apartheid incurs,
    mirrored by the divide human-centricity
    has levied? Our underlying duplicitous
    disregard for life, avarice and oil fueled,
    won’t abate for our existence, will you?

    Wouldn’t Contemplate My Perfect Society

    For I’m not self-possessed
    and know doing that’s one of the things
    wrong with most that exist.
    Most every imperial agent in
    the united suck of assassins
    is attempting to engineer their part
    of society to effect their getting more quicker.
    Real left, evolution, struggle to undo the machine.

    Decentralize, reuse, recycle, barter, share.
    Sunlight sparks light within to alight without,
    motion in relation, life, without doubt,
    agreed to before birth, uplifts all.
    Those concentrating of solutioning
    with reality continue lifelong learning.
    Rest is easy, since almost everything
    being done is actually furthering premeditated

    murder of 8 billion people by engineered
    climate crisis, don’t do that, rather,
    ‘know thyself’, to thine own-self be who,
    and while you’re being what you are,
    keep to your path of heart, where,
    when, how, why, forever asked,
    never answered, for grace
    can’t be sought, it seeks you.

    ‘Do unto others as you’d have them unto you’.
    Or, the remedy, people deserve the rights
    they afford to others. An injustice to any
    is an injustice to all. One’s mental cell,
    built of walls of delusions, made with bricks
    of illusions, is one’s hell, heaven’s better.
    Walking in nature’s balance,
    giving back to her abundance, reach.

    Mitakuye Oyasin, Brother Sun, Sister Moon

    Walking path Spirit laid open,
    desert meeting, rainbows raining down,
    flowing as rivers to Ancestor’s Wall,
    every moment I felt more fully
    my four day fast’s evolving
    vision’s tasks before me,

    to Sing and Dance with Them
    through the night of my chrysalis,
    and in the morn’, maybe, butter-fly,
    with their guidance, into rebirth,
    maybe into Sundance,
    maybe with Great Spirit.

    Women True, Plumb, Aplomb Too, Re-birthed Our Nation

    Movement, rooted in Christianity,
    abolition, suffragette struggles
    deconstructed patriarchy,
    not through a matriarchal equivalency,
    broke-up imperialism, hierarchy
    with such accuracy that chauvinists,
    narcissists began figuring themselves out.

    Their body politics’ stretchmarks
    served them well,
    realizing a polity
    “…of…, by…, for … people…”,
    unparalleled in history.
    Humanity honored
    to uplift it, will.

    Earthlings Unite, Undo Duality’s Insanities

    Rump of Utin’s his puppet master here,
    yet who’s Putin’s master, pulling his strings,
    the fossil fuel industry led oligarchy.
    Worldwide war for more’s
    still naming the game, insane- deprogram.
    Illimitable potential, if indivisible as life, you, can.

    Puppet Master Of Putin, Here, Pulling All The Strings? (77)

    So what is it that this cowardice incarnate, these Putin’s puppets
    one and all, have delivered humanity to, the not-see and totalitarian
    conspiracies, the axi of global supposed power’s re-engineered global
    hot war, defeating most supposedly less exigent ‘concerns’, like
    climate crisis, per facia. Now it’s common banter on the multi-media
    conspiracy’s ‘news’ programs that the united suck of assassins should
    open more areas to drilling, increase it, etc., to lessen the political
    hit some will take from the pump’s prices going up, when people know
    we should keep it in the ground instead, abolish fossil fuel use.

    We’ve the secessionist/insurrectionist, more at all costs, republican,
    totalitarian, supremacist beast, Utin’s As, and it’s assets at home,
    every rumpette and almost all repubs, minions and minions of minions,
    committing Hitlerian eugenics genocide against developmentally disabled,
    diffabled (differently abled), autistic, elderly, handicapped, muscular
    dystrophy, cerebral palsy sufferers, long-term nursing home, hospital
    residents, mentally ill, homeless, etc., as if it’s a walk in the park.

    Walking in their shoes for a millisecond provides the understanding that
    the cowardice it took to cave to their oppressors as kids only growing,
    has thwarted them into the reality denying cowards they are today, sadly.
    So, event horizons of every repub as combined, ‘twined and bound them to
    a truth of the universe, it abhors a vacuum, has determined there are
    no rights, they rule through daily domestic terrorist acts and their
    psychic terrorism. So what must be done, for all … from the Cosmos
    won’t grace their ace with it’s presence and they need it bad?

    If my joint’s chief of my staff’s accuracy is to be believed, it being
    diminished by 62 years of repub sucklings, NATO’s posturing, not fully
    recovered from the dire ‘the donald”s Foreign Acquiescer-In-Chief yrs,
    sending “security forces”, ‘fronting’, hoping to nudge US into global
    war against Russia, maybe China, etc., as an appeasement to Zelensky’s
    demands for a ‘no fly zone’ over a bordering country with Russia,
    tantamount to declaring war without, giving Russia the first shot, etc.,

    Is conceivably proving Putin’s strategy accurate, for the US military
    repub leaders don’t have the required amount of personnel without their
    heads up their as to make that decision. Yes, Zelensky should’ve handled
    this at the table, but, that doesn’t mean he’s wrong now, though this is
    what they want to win an after global conflagration, almost bloodless
    civil war here, possibly. For repub military cowards are looking at an
    80 % casualty rate, and possibly 10 million souls gone here, in other
    words, the knocking up with the ockingtups, we’d be knocked with the oct.

    They say they always bend butt never break, but, the RalphiNader informs
    that “if you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything”, and
    people would prefer to live on their feet, even if it’s as short as a
    mayfly’s flight, life, a day, then as long as an eagle flies, on their
    knees. For, even though ebony and ivory, the Black, white supremacies,
    have divided and conquered US in perfect harmony, in this Baskin ‘n
    Robbins of 23 flavors of supremacy, and most are ”bout benjamins’ now,
    there’s still the constant, the “inconvenient truth”, our domestic policy,
    economic, is war abroad, so it’s leader mustn’t shy from it, even though
    this one may be “…veddy, veddy bad…” for business in the very long run.

    Also can’t forget these truths, the intellect can’t lead for life doesn’t
    follow, if you’re not taking bullets you’re making them, if you didn’t vote
    Hillary you voted for the Rump of Utin, and underestimating what sinos,
    ginos, ainos, linos and some dinos will do can be very perilous to non-
    repubs. As well, if our fearless leader doesn’t want to be mistaken for a
    dino, due to his and Congress’ not getting rid of the filibuster, etc., he
    must get those repub cowards in the military to do their job and neuter the
    greediest of global fossil fuel autocrats, Utin. For the rumpettes have
    seemingly successfully interpreted his not handling the ball when it’s only
    in his court as political, otherwise weakness, conspiring with backsliding.

    Tragically, “…we(e),…” unplugging, deprogramming, exorcizing ourselves
    from self-possession, at least, in the gestalt of recapitulating our lives
    so that it’s possible we’ll really be our life evolving instead of human not
    being, devolving to our deaths, individually not putting our shadows behind
    us, not only walking towards the “beacon in the sky meant to catch their eye”,
    Happy Rhodes, with feet bare, receiving the gifts of the Earth first directly
    through them, eyes not just really seeing, having visions, also envisioning,
    hasn’t been enough. We can do more, who wants humanity’s epitaph to be, to
    paraphrase a projected to be Gil Scott Heron song line, if he were alive

    Today, ‘Man’s extinct ’cause a white man’s playing golf on Mars’. Yet, apathy
    cynicism, complacency, overconfidence, narcissism, nihilism, conformity
    negatively effecting also can’t be underestimated, as illimitable potential,
    if indivisible as life, you, ‘keep your eye on the prize’, re-enfranchising,
    protecting, GOTV, as all do their parts. What’s that? Any knowledge comes
    with responsibility, not just civic responsibilities, duties, so everybody
    knows what they should do, and can just do it. That way each one reaching
    one can realize every turning 360 degrees around, back to the evolution and
    the future humanity will only have if we do. Will you? Viva la evolucion.

    On this INTERNATIONAL DAY OF FORESTS, Poetry, and Harmony “…we(e),…”, while remembering that the intellect can’t lead for life doesn’t follow, if you’re not taking bullets you’re making them, are motion in relation, outstretching the arm that isn’t ours to the neediest, always; for our bodies will ever be on la machine’s gears. Here’s hoping you and yours are well and will continue to be so. Copy, share as you will. Be well πŸ™‚ reality

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