Tell your senators: Confirm fair and just judges & fill all the vacancies on our federal courts!

Our environmental laws are only as strong as the judges who uphold them. Fill the vacant seats!

Source: Tell your senators: Confirm fair and just judges & fill all the vacancies on our federal courts!

Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Art/Act: Latest twigs of advocacy poetree from reality: Ukrainian front in war against China:

Unstate of the Union

Republican terrorist conspiracy’s
dominant axi of supposed power,
nothing But white flour,
self-bereft of what could make it
not almost lifeless replications of machine,
having chosen cower as itty bitty
human being, repub party,
Roman Catholic empire,
Israeli gov’t in the united suck
of assassins, intelligence, or
more accurately, lack there of,
military, political, police, especially
serial murderers masquerading as,
prison, medical industrial complexes,

That unendingly vexes, like their
military machine’s, oiled on
the blood of non: white, rich,
usa citizens, political, Christians,
unnecessary never ending worldwide
conflagration, which only includes
war, climate crisis, it’s blood,
unbeing, criminal insanity, what
“..we(e),..” used to call ‘man’s inhumanity
towards man’, they call inanity,
having used their ultimate tools
eugenics, global extermination of
70 million, 1.2 million mass-murdered

In America, en masse, alone, more
than this country’s enemies, foreign
and domestic, in its history, combined,
including its first revolutionary war,
of their global axi of supposed power,
the totalitarian one, Utin’s, and his as’s,
Rump of Utin, his rumpettes, repub party,
the other having concocted Covid-19, with
help from sum dumb guy Chinese official,
to purge, what they used to call
‘thinning the herd’, Rump of Utin and
the extinction of humanity in a can,
back into residency in the Blackhouse,

Using his “pandemic schmandemic” policies,
having suckled all three ends of it down to
almost non-existence, gathering all their
ball cells, molecules together to form
one, me cutting one off and giving it
to them so they have a set, are almost
ready to do this, are finally coming for me,
I’m ecstatic, it should be a gas. To finally see
them stop guzzling it down, they extricating it
from their mouths, heads from their as, should
make it all worth it. I must keep my ‘eye on the
prize’, re-enfranchise, occupy, protect, GOTV,
over the next 21 months, to turn a page on
secessionist, insurrectionist criminal insanity.

United Suck of Assassin’s War on China’s…

…Going swimmingly in the Ukraine,
it being fought to the last Ukrainian,
then the last Russian,
then the last Chinese who’re sane.

It being paid for by the simple
tearing up of our bar tab there.
So much for peace
ringing in the new year.

“…There’s no such thing as…”,
an unwinnable, “…war,
that’s the lie they…”, will,
“…believe…”, evermore.

The military says “…it’s going to be
a slugfest, who knows
how long it will last.”
I do, ’til the last Ukrainian

And Russian take their last gasp.
It’s not just the latest unending war
to rob the US treasury ever more,
the repub conspiracy getting

The lion’s share of the increase in
defense spending, “…higher than
it ever has been…”, it’s a beginning
of the last one, WWIII, against China.

This after we just recently ended
one of two recent decades long
unnecessary wars in Afghanistan.
But, of course, war

Being our substitute for
a domestic economic policy
explains that. Though,
it doesn’t explain why

“…We(e),…”, put up with it.
Turning a page on the most
criminally insane of them,
Rump and his rumpettes

In a year and 10 months by
‘keeping our eye on the prize’,
re-enfranchising, protecting,
occupying, GOTV before

The next general election,
is a solid step in the right direction.
If we don’t, the secessionists,
insurrectionists, meism extremist

Notsees will turn a page on
progressing democracy instead.
Literally, extant humanity’s not
devolving to extinct depends on it

And illimitable potential,
if indivisible as life, you,
reaching one, teaching one
to turn 360 degrees around,

Back to the evolution and future
humans will only have if we all do.
Be alival, not survival, safe and well.
Viva la evolucion.…-by-Reality7

Oh Turkey, Syria, We Are With You!

May the growing loss of lives, 12,000 now,
be cut short by worldwide quicker responses,
Thanks to those who have helped.

There were, 7.8, 7.6, 6, 5 and 120
more earthquakes in one day,
aftershocks coming consistently
and will for over a month.

They blamed it on tectonic plate
shifting. What causes every
500 year seismic events to happen
every 100 years instead?

Climate crisis, the West,
for the trillions of tons
of fossil fuels, etc.,
removed from under earth

Has those effects on
tectonic shifts, causing
global devastation,

Please, everyone can do
what they can to help,
I’ve donated, won’t you?
Our thoughts, prayers to you all.

Relief effort help: Muslim Aid USA, please:

Uplift Warnock’s Re-election Run-off In Everyway, Now, Please

When it’s your time to fight, be this day
what it is to be this day, that’s why.

When might, that might make right
yet always makes wrong, only makes wrong.

When everyone knows an injustice to any
is an injustice to all,
and if it’s not addressed individually then
it becomes a global injustice as well,
but they do nothing to defend their neighbor.

When compassion’s core, self-defense,
has unbecome, been machined, coopted,
subverted, converted to the point
where there’s no self, that’s not
the machine, needing defense,

When there’s no beat of heart perceivable
past the tick of their timepieces,
and compassion’s just a house of cards
already fallen at notseeism’s slightest whim.

When supposed power, what you do with what you’ve got,
is almost all that’s exercised, without reason’s rhyme,
while real power, what you do with what can’t be had,
is marginalized, destroyed, hunted, murdered.

When people choose ignorance isn’t only bliss,
nor next to Godliness, but, rather, all.
Choosing 0’s and 1’s, info., all that’s needed
to murder, over knowledge and it’s creations.

When universal truths like: “no one can own the land”,
one should only have the rights they afford to others,
an eye for an eye allows the whole world to see,
there’s no profit, pleasure or power garnered from
manipulation, abuse, destruction through to extinction,
are projected to be childish, or at best naive.

When the fastcists have misused the gov’t
in almost criminal attempts to disenfranchise
voters, and supposed ‘voter ID laws’
have done the same, also
taking away: vote boxes, polling places,
early voting, number of days and hours
they’re open, subverting democracy.

Read Books To Kids, Cross Streets With Elders, Creation’s Within Reach

Raise your voice, not your words,
you’re heard regardless of
sociological programming
dancing, or not, language or no,
betwixt your ears.

Gods, goodness,
want to hear your song loud
and clear, “…we(e), the people…”
have no fear, life’s everywhere,
not just here!

Diving skyward, following rain,
lightning fuels my flight, a phoenix never alights,
wondrous on wing, not just awe inspiring.
Illimitable potential, if indivisible as life,
you, be there too? It’s helluva ride.

Will Freedom Reign, Or It’s Bane? (I)

Because our ancestors didn’t exercise their responsibilities,
its Siamese twin sister freedoms also withered
like unused muscles as well, generation in, generation out.
No wonder there’s actually not one right left to the people.

This struggling against implausible odds can be done
by our kids, and theirs, only if each one of us reach one,
teach one, to give up their devolutionary direction entirely,
turn 360 degrees, back to the evolution and future

Humanity will only have if we all do, will you?
Now, re-enfranchising, protecting, GOTV are key for
the next three weeks. Non-repubs must make them pay for
‘bum rushing’ our democracy on 1-6-21, or else we lose it.

Infinity’s Calamity Aside, Salutations to Her, And It’s Cosmic Peace

A soothersayer’s song, melody of Gaia’s pied piper’s throng,
gestures ’tis not fate, devil’s hounds always at the gate,
men’s foibles multiplicity’s karmic wheel, betwixt ears peeled.

But I, less sweet Soul, rejoice lessened that I was born, Thy,
when from the climbing skyscrapers of morn’, I watched
Oriolidae’s trill reascend, harking, extant human’s extinct end.

Yes, every need has an ego to feed and pride rises before
the Freudian slip, the … trip and fall, Freudian jump off the cliff,
but, need the evolution not competition’s building blocks basis?

Yes, ever increasing wind under ever widening sylvan “wings
that gleam and glide”, teaches, yet also, does it not preach,
hand must be soiled, what hasn’t been hoed can’t be sowed?

So true, between sunset’s pull and Chandra’s give, what luck
to live Nataraja’s dance full, Thine. So too, who, should care for
world’s cacophonous loss of stride, who dreams Shiva’s Dream?

Yet, Buddha taught, our walk’s not our walk, it’s humanity’s too,
our talk can not be our talk, it can be the evolution’s true. Thus
presages of duality’s twins, doom, gloom, can be put to broom,

As can the present, biting reality, unending scythe’s tithe, yet,
it devours me, I take my next breath with increasing struggle. Still
birdsong’s sung of what we’ve done, gladness alights upon Thee.

May your new year’s find you All new all the way through. Copy, share as you will. Write on, stay safe, be well 🙂 reality

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Act/Art: Latest twigs of advocacy poetree from reality: Ukrainian front in war against China:

United Suck of Assassin’s War on China’s…

…Going swimmingly in the Ukraine,
it being fought to the last Ukrainian,
then the last Russian,
then the last Chinese who’re sane.

It being paid for by the simple
tearing up of our bar tab there.
So much for peace
ringing in the new year.

“…There’s no such thing as…”,
an unwinnable, “…war,
that’s the lie they…”, will,
“…believe…”, evermore.

The military says “…it’s going to be
a slugfest, who knows
how long it will last.”
I do, ’til the last Ukrainian

And Russian take their last gasp.
It’s not just the latest unending war
to rob the US treasury ever more,
the repub conspiracy getting

The lion’s share of the increase in
defense spending, “…higher than
it ever has been…”, it’s a beginning
of the last one, WWIII, against China.

This after we just recently ended
one of two recent decades long
unnecessary wars in Afghanistan.
But, of course, war

Being our substitute for
a domestic economic policy
explains that. Though,
it doesn’t explain why

“…We(e),…”, put up with it.
Turning a page on the most
criminally insane of them,
Rump and his rumpettes

In a year and 10 months by
‘keeping our eye on the prize’,
re-enfranchising, protecting,
occupying, GOTV before

The next general election,
is a solid step in the right direction.
If we don’t, the secessionists,
insurrectionists, meism extremist

Notsees will turn a page on
progressing democracy instead.
Literally, extant humanity’s not
devolving to extinct depends on it

And illimitable potential,
if indivisible as life, you,
reaching one, teaching one
to turn 360 degrees around,

Back to the evolution and future
humans will only have if we all do.
Be alival, not survival, safe and well.
Viva la evolucion.…-by-Reality7

Uplift Warnock’s Re-election Run-off In Everyway, Now, Please

When it’s your time to fight, be this day
what it is to be this day, that’s why.

When might, that might make right
yet always makes wrong, only makes wrong.

When everyone knows an injustice to any
is an injustice to all,
and if it’s not addressed individually then
it becomes a global injustice as well,
but they do nothing to defend their neighbor.

When compassion’s core, self-defense,
has unbecome, been machined, coopted,
subverted, converted to the point
where there’s no self, that’s not
the machine, needing defense,

When there’s no beat of heart perceivable
past the tick of their timepieces,
and compassion’s just a house of cards
already fallen at notseeism’s slightest whim.

When supposed power, what you do with what you’ve got,
is almost all that’s exercised, without reason’s rhyme,
while real power, what you do with what can’t be had,
is marginalized, destroyed, hunted, murdered.

When people choose ignorance isn’t only bliss,
nor next to Godliness, but, rather, all.
Choosing 0’s and 1’s, info., all that’s needed
to murder, over knowledge and it’s creations.

When universal truths like: “no one can own the land”,
one should only have the rights they afford to others,
an eye for an eye allows the whole world to see,
there’s no profit, pleasure or power garnered from
manipulation, abuse, destruction through to extinction,
are projected to be childish, or at best naive.

When the fastcists have misused the gov’t
in almost criminal attempts to disenfranchise
voters, and supposed ‘voter ID laws’
have done the same, also
taking away: vote boxes, polling places,
early voting, number of days and hours
they’re open, subverting democracy.

Read Books To Kids, Cross Streets With Elders, Creation’s Within Reach

Raise your voice, not your words,
you’re heard regardless of
sociological programming
dancing, or not, language or no,
betwixt your ears.

Gods, goodness,
want to hear your song loud
and clear, “…we(e), the people…”
have no fear, life’s everywhere,
not just here!

Diving skyward, following rain,
lightning fuels my flight, a phoenix never alights,
wondrous on wing, not just awe inspiring.
Illimitable potential, if indivisible as life,
you, be there too? It’s helluva ride.

Will Freedom Reign, Or It’s Bane? (I)

Because our ancestors didn’t exercise their responsibilities,
its Siamese twin sister freedoms also withered
like unused muscles as well, generation in, generation out.
No wonder there’s actually not one right left to the people.

This struggling against implausible odds can be done
by our kids, and theirs, only if each one of us reach one,
teach one, to give up their devolutionary direction entirely,
turn 360 degrees, back to the evolution and future

Humanity will only have if we all do, will you?
Now, re-enfranchising, protecting, GOTV are key for
the next three weeks. Non-repubs must make them pay for
‘bum rushing’ our democracy on 1-6-21, or else we lose it.

Infinity’s Calamity Aside, Salutations to Her, And It’s Cosmic Peace

A soothersayer’s song, melody of Gaia’s pied piper’s throng,
gestures ’tis not fate, devil’s hounds always at the gate,
men’s foibles multiplicity’s karmic wheel, betwixt ears peeled.

But I, less sweet Soul, rejoice lessened that I was born, Thy,
when from the climbing skyscrapers of morn’, I watched
Oriolidae’s trill reascend, harking, extant human’s extinct end.

Yes, every need has an ego to feed and pride rises before
the Freudian slip, the … trip and fall, Freudian jump off the cliff,
but, need the evolution not competition’s building blocks basis?

Yes, ever increasing wind under ever widening sylvan “wings
that gleam and glide”, teaches, yet also, does it not preach,
hand must be soiled, what hasn’t been hoed can’t be sowed?

So true, between sunset’s pull and Chandra’s give, what luck
to live Nataraja’s dance full, Thine. So too, who, should care for
world’s cacophonous loss of stride, who dreams Shiva’s Dream?

Yet, Buddha taught, our walk’s not our walk, it’s humanity’s too,
our talk can not be our talk, it can be the evolution’s true. Thus
presages of duality’s twins, doom, gloom, can be put to broom,

As can the present, biting reality, unending scythe’s tithe, yet,
it devours me, I take my next breath with increasing struggle. Still
birdsong’s sung of what we’ve done, gladness alights upon Thee.

May your new year’s find you All new all the way through. Copy, share as you will. Write on, stay safe, be well 🙂 reality

Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Urge the EPA to Finalize the Strongest Methane Safeguards Possible!

Submit your public comment to the Environmental Protection Agency — let them know that you want them to #CutMethane and finalize stronger safeguards for our communities!

Source: Urge the EPA to Finalize the Strongest Methane Safeguards Possible!

Posted in environment, News and politics, Organizations, social justice | 1 Comment

Latest twig of advocacy poetree :)

Martin, Your Wisdom’s Great, Yet, Must Call Bul….t On This One, One Of Reasons We’re In WWIII:–Your-Wisdoms-Great–Yet–Must-Call-Bul….t-On-This-One—by-Reality7

“The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a
descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks
to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies
it…Returning violence for violence multiplies
violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already
devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness;
only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate;
only love can do that.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.”

First, what he defines as violence comes from
academic supremacists pulling it out of their a..
to placate the matriarchy, that’s actually also
the patriarchy and women’s world. Understood
to be, “behavior involving physical force intended
to hurt, strength of emotion, unlawful exercise of
physical force or intimidation by the exhibition of
such force”, yet, isn’t “strength of emotion” readily
used throughout society constantly, not necessarily
to the detriment or damage of self or others?

I’ve struggled against ‘spare rod, spoil child’ my
whole life, yet, can’t the exemplifying of “strong
emotion” be educational to even kids? So “an eye
for an eye makes the whole world blind”, seems
real, but isn’t it just a conditional, situational
historic realism, and not reality. For the only
thing that has secured sight and other liberties is
righteous force, so, actually, an eye for an eye is
the only thing that has ever allowed anyone to see.
Civilization’s strides have always been by force.

No, there’s no “ultimate weakness” of something
you’ve been told is “violence”, there’s no “spiral
that’s descending”, “begetting the very thing”,
you’ve been told, “it seeks to destroy.”, while in
some particular instances it might be right, it’s
chock full of projections, spin. There’s no such
thing as “ultimate weakness of violence”, while
there is ultimate weakness, repub criminal
insanity. Supposed violence isn’t replete with
weakness, as to suggest a gradation that would

Allow an accurate discourse called it’s ultimate
weakness. Violence is certainly understandable
as a subjective strata, today women consider
hitting mean in the groin to just be an on, off
switch, when it’s probably lifelong destruction.
As well, so called violence doesn’t “seek to
destroy”, it usually seeks to modify or control.
Then, defining violence as “evil” is rich, for,
if it actually “multiplies evil”, it is evil, that’s
subjective. Then he gets poetic, “returning

Violence for violence multiplies violence.”
That might be true sometimes, but not
always. Examples from arts, Jeet Kune Do,
Sifu Bruce Lee’s style teaches the “way of
the intercepting fist”, in layman’s terms, from
an observers perspective, second person to
strike hits first. That is a relation, defensive
move that defeats the aggressor’s move, even
though it’s begun after the first’s aggression.
Then there’s Shaolin Kung Fu, replete with

Using opponents aggression, moves against
them. As does Tai Chi, swirling, turning to
redirect the aggressor’s force against them.
Also, Aikido exemplified here by Master Seagal,
which, literally takes the aggressor’s moves
and defeats them with them, sidestepping,
swirling, etc.. Chi, Kung, etc.. Certainly the
supposed left considers these violent, yet,
that’s so they control those soft brainwashed
by them, in reality they’re non-violent methods.

Thus, no “multiplying of violence”, at worst,
it’s redirection until it’s cessation. Then he
suggests that acts countering violence are
darkness with, “Darkness cannot drive out
darkness; only light can do that.”, whereas
nonviolent acts that look like the violent ones
can misdirect, redirect the violent ones to their
ceasing, at minimum. Then he even goes
farther poetically with, “Hate cannot drive out
hate; only love can do that.”, ridiculous.

He projects that acts countering violence are
“hate”, what? Also, “love” can’t “drive out
hate”, love’s opposite isn’t hate, it’s apathy.
Compassion, empathy can dispel hate, but,
not drive it out. Sure might might make right,
but, it always makes wrong, fraternity rules,
applies, but that’s giving perspective to the
fact that power’s measured in it’s reserve,
not in it’s being exercised. For, supposed
‘power corrupts and absolute power corrupts

Absolutely’, informs that supposed power’s
what you do with what you have, real power’s
what you do with what can’t be had. An
example, a consortium of global scientists who
figure out how much time’s left before the
minute hand hits twelve on World’s Doomsday
Clock are some of the best scientific minds on
the planet, they’re accurate. Also, statements
by global leaders, a collection of related fields
scientists all agree “we’ve never been closer

To nuclear war than now.” The main reason
cited is the conflict between USA and Russia,
or more directly, the two heads of the bipolar
axi of supposed global power, the repub
conspiracy here and the totalitarian conspiracy,
there. But, this war with Russia was writ on
humanity’s future large by the West’s post-
WWII Allied leaders, and never veered from in
actuality. Our military smelling blood since
1991, the break-up of USSR. Ukrainian war

Is just the thing. “30 seconds to midnight”, the
toll of tolerance of totalitarianism, notseeism,
supremacy exacted on all life on earth. Now
that’s real violence, the umbrella of which we
all live under, separating us from reality and
determining our extant species, humanity be
extinct soon. Tick tock, tick tock, Daliesque
clocks are melting away, tick tock, Big Ben’s
clocked, as all timepieces that only tell time,
the grind, not the hour, the power of knowing

What’s fate, it’s way, way past late. Another
god’s tear, a trillion ton glacier, ice-cube,
drops in the drink, the Artic ocean, sink or
swim people, now, sink or swim. Lone tear’s
story’s seldom told, but, if I may be so bold,
that calving of ice sheet shouts without, we’re
dying on the vine, not just from pandemic,
nor it’s adverse effects, like all ancillary
illaging, also from global conflagration,
unnecessary unending worldwide war,

The largest polluter, climate crisis, eco-
systems pillaging. What you say? Earth’s
lungs, wondrous Amazon rainforest, on the
chopping block to feed ‘Man”s real religion,
increasing their bottom line, greed, avarice.
3 acres fall each second to the decadent who
don’t think our grandkids should get to breath,
to breath?!? Will that future deluge, 65% of
the world’s land mass under water be enough
to awaken us, or will we ignore ‘Inconvenient

Truth’, as Gore called it, ’til the bitter end,
our extant species is extinct? Do you love your
kids, do your kids love theirs? “History doesn’t
repeat itself, it rhymes”, Twain observed.
US military trained up Afghanis for 20 years to
eventually hold their own against the Taliban
when we left, that day they surrendered to
their enemies of 20 years. Fighting former
empires has a price, that price is one way or
another, or every way, you’re going to lose.

President Zelensky, with all due respect to a
great leader, didn’t settle this at the Talk table
like all of Russia’s other neighbors, knowing a
war with Russia would cost a minimum of dead,
100,000, 10’s of millions, deprived, injured,
displaced, disabled, relocated, and his nation
half flattened; because the US wants to
criminally insanely destroy Russia, but, it won’t,
Russia will take what they would’ve got at talks,
nuclear war’s here, stop it now. You see Russia

Doesn’t have to put up with this game of WWIII,
30 seconds left on Doomsday Clock, nuclear
war possibly at their doorstep, US fighting them
’til the last Ukrainian, extreme violence, where
all the not-see world fights them behind the
guise of Ukraine, abominable. The Ukrainian
shelling of the Russian held Nuclear Power
Plant near Zaporizhzhia indicates just how
criminally insane the Ukrainians are, as puppet
of the West. China knows it’s next if Russia

Falls, as does the other 20 Gov’ts, Regimes
that are their allies, Russia will not lose the war,
even if they have to defeat the extremity of
violence they’re facing with a second,
counterstrike of WMDs to end this global
conflagration. Zelensky and the Wests toys
can’t beat the continuing Russian Revolution.
Russia will take what’s theirs, securing Crimea
and Russia’s border with Ukraine from future
US wars against it, US criminal insanity fails.

Here’s hoping you and yours are well and will continue to be so. Copy, share as you will. Be well 🙂 reality

Posted in Entertainment, environment, News and politics, poetry, social justice | Leave a comment

Tell the Biden administration to quickly draft a strong clean cars rule

The Biden administration and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has finalized a good Clean Cars rule. However, it only goes up to model year 2026. We know they intend to draft a rule for light duty vehicles (cars, SUVs, and light trucks) for model years 2027 and beyond, but we need the EPA to develop this draft rule sooner than later. The longer it takes to finalize, the more opportunity there is for the rule to be undone. We ask that faith leaders join us in encouraging President Biden and Michael Regan, the EPA Administrator, to move forward quickly with a strong proposed car rule for model years 2027 and beyond. Your signature will be added to a national petition organized by IPL.

Source: Tell the Biden administration to quickly draft a strong clean cars rule

Posted in environment, Health and wellness, News and politics, Organizations, social justice | Leave a comment

Latest twig of advocacy poetree, and last for this Earth Month :)

Latest twig of poetree, and last for this Earth Month 🙂


Gaia’s a silent siren, though,
almost as a pied piper,
for all dance to her tune.

Aaahhh her music, life’s song
accompanying the abundance
of joy’s spring.

While this leaf of paper,
a poem’s mere tombstone,
ink on it, the engraving,

Is only born again when
resurrected, evoked by bard,
for poetry’s an aural dance.

It’s choreographer unknown,
dancer’s gestures but fretting,
strutting their minute on stage,

Betwixt ears, it’s also that wonder
experienced and echoed on,
Gaia’s calling returned,

Like seashell beckons ear,
… whale-song accompanies
song of the sphere’s.

Copy, share as you will. Here’s hoping you and yours are well and will continue to be. Have a blessed week 🙂 reality

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Tell the world’s largest investors: Stop big banks from funding climate chaos!

Big banks are fueling the climate crisis, but we can hold them accountable. Send a message to their largest shareholders and demand that they stop banks from financing reckless new fossil fuel expansion.

Source: Tell the world’s largest investors: Stop big banks from funding climate chaos!

Posted in environment, Health and wellness, News and politics, Organizations, social justice | 1 Comment

WildEarth Guardians

Source: WildEarth Guardians

Posted in environment, Health and wellness, Native American, News and politics, Organizations, social justice | 1 Comment

Tell Biden and the Army Corps: Protect the Great Lakes from Line 5

Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline expansion threatens tribal treaty rights, climate, and local waterways. Tell the Biden admin to #RejectLine5!

Source: Tell Biden and the Army Corps: Protect the Great Lakes from Line 5

Posted in environment, Health and wellness, Native American, News and politics, social justice | 1 Comment