VACATION’S OVER, CONGRESS! Call Your Rep and Senators TODAY!
Please share this as widely as possible!
National Call-In Day
End the U.S. War in Iraq!
No New War With Iran!
Capitol Hill Switchboard: 202-224-3121
Dear James ,
Congress is back in Washington, DC, after their month-long recess. The Bush
administration continues to deny the reality of the war and occupation in
Iraq, while heading toward war with Iran. Is the Congress ready to reign in
a dangerous and irresponsible president? Are they ready to use their power
and set a new course? As much as we’ve all done before, we need to expand
our pressure on Congress — and we need to do that now!
United for Peace and Justice and many of our member groups around the
country have initiated a nationwide effort to flood the offices of our
members of Congress with calls, TODAY, SEPT. 6TH,  demanding an end to the
U.S. war in Iraq and no new war with Iran!
We urge you to participate by placing a call to your representative and both
senators right now. Not sure who represents you in Congress?  Look here.
Tell them:
I want you to act now to end the war and occupation of Iraq and to prevent a
war with Iran.
Congress has the constitutional right and a moral responsibility to use the
power of the purse to withdraw all U.S. soldiers and contractors from Iraq
on a rapid and binding schedule. Now is the time to use that power!
Congress must act to prevent a catastrophic war with Iran — Stop
Threatening, Start Talking. I want you to speak out against the Bush
administration’s deliberate provocation of Iran and encourage a commitment
to diplomatic efforts with Iran. Congress must enact legislation prohibiting
the use of funds for military action against Iran.
Iraq Spending: In September and October Congress will focus on Iraq. They
will vote on the president’s request for an additional $200 billion to
continue the war. Congress is not required to give Bush any of this money,
or even to bring the request to a vote. Congress can also put restrictions,
firm withdrawal timelines and other conditions on any funding in order to
force an end to the U.S. occupation of Iraq.
Iran: On August 28, President Bush announced that he has authorized U.S.
forces in Iraq to confront Iran militarily: "I have authorized our military
commanders in Iraq to confront Tehran’s murderous activities."
Simultaneously, U.S. forces raided a hotel in Baghdad and detained ten
Iranians who were part of a delegation that had been invited to Iraq to help
with reconstruction.
The harshness and frequency of the rhetoric has steadily increased. Last
week the Bush administration announced its intention to designate the
Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist entity, an unprecedented move.
The president has reiterated accusations that Iran was smuggling weapons
into Iraq while chastising the Iraqi prime minister for his diplomatic
relations with Iran. Left unchallenged, all these steps point in one,
undeniable direction: War.
The recent moves follow a familiar pattern. In January 2007, the president
accused Iran of supplying IEDs to Iraqi insurgents, signaling his intention
to use military force to attack Iran. Simultaneously, U.S. forces detained
five Iranians at an Iranian consulate in the Iraqi city of Irbil. Congress
successfully averted crisis through swift and strong reactions to the
escalated rhetoric. Congress took immediate action by challenging the
president to provide evidence for his claims. Now, as the White House is
once again escalating tensions, Congress must act to prevent war from
(Thanks to the National Iranian American Council for this background
information — minor edits have been made by UFPJ.)
Save the date! Saturday, October 27th
National Mobilization to End the Iraq War!
10 Massive Demonstrations for Peace!
Help us continue to do this critical work: Make a donation to UFPJ today.
www.unitedforpeace.org | 212-868-5545
To subscribe, visit www.unitedforpeace.org/email

About reality

Thanx for signing my petitions, et al, please consider sharing them. Also, since Admin. of change.org aren't allowing me to invite people to do my actions lately and are switching my urls for my petitions so when I invite people off their site they can't get to the petition either (ergo 3 possible urls for each petition), here's a few of my latest actions; do as few or as many as you'd like (there are 3 linx for each petition because admin. switches between the 3 of them so people trying to sign the petition can‘t get to it): This post on Disabled Greens News and discussion: Haiti disaster anniversary, please, do what you can: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DisabledGreensNews/message/9033 This petition on change.org: Haiti disaster anniversary: http://www.change.org/petitions/view/haiti_disaster_anniversary_2?share_id=yIpWHEHxri&pe=pce http://uspoverty.change.org/petitions/view/haiti_disaster_anniversary_2 http://www.change.org/petitions/view/haiti_disaster_anniversary_2   This post on Disabled Greens News and discussion: Green, Indigenous, Native American, etc., actions: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DisabledGreensNews/message/9026 This petition on change.org: Green, Indigenous, Native American, acts: http://www.change.org/petitions/view/green_indigenous_native_american_acts?share_id=NHvTtQadfP&pe=pce http://uspoverty.change.org/petitions/view/green_indigenous,_native_american_acts http://www.change.org/petitions/view/green_indigenous,_native_american_acts   This post on Disabled Greens News and discussion: Art/Act: celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday, holiday: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DisabledGreensNews/message/9024 This petition on change.org: Art/Act: celebrate Dr. M.L. King, Jr.'s holiday: http://www.change.org/petitions/view/artact_celebrate_dr_ml_king_jrs_holiday?share_id=QjOkAUGeBQ&pe=pce http://uspoverty.change.org/petitions/view/art_act_celebrate_dr_ml_king_jr_s_holiday http://www.change.org/petitions/view/art_act_celebrate_dr_ml_king_jr_s_holiday   This post on Disabled Greens News and discussion: Green; NA; the evolution; Civil, Human, LP, Prisoner's Rights; Poverty; etc..: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DisabledGreensNews/message/9022 This petition on change.org: Economically empower through advocacy: http://www.change.org/petitions/view/economically_empower_through_advocacy?share_id=WZNqBQWcXE&pe=pce http://uspoverty.change.org/petitions/view/economically_empower_through_advocacy http://www.change.org/petitions/view/economically_empower_throug
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